I hope everyone has a fantastic Valentine's Day! M cooked me lasagna from scratch (he even made the noodles!) last night, and we had a nice candlelight dinner. He made hazelnut puffs for dessert, too. Everything was so good, I feel so lucky to have a husband who is an amazing cook!
After communion at church this morning, when I was kneeling and praying I almost started crying. This is the fourth or fifth time that has happened in the last couple months. I prayed for two things:
#1. A baby
#2. The strength to hold it together when prayer #1 goes unanswered each month
The sermon was about knowing that God is there and that he is listening even in your darkest times. Even though he may take longer to answer your prayers than you might hope...he does, in fact, answer them.
I hope he answers my #1 prayer soon, and I hope he answers all of your prayers as well. Amen.
1 words of geekdom:
I WILL be your Valentine. I thought you'd never ask. Love the new pics, especially the heading picture.
I hope your prayers are answered soon. xo
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