Today, she took quite the dump (read: she hadn't gone in 3 days) and the liner didn't quite contain it all. I paused for a moment, dirty diaper in one hand, her ankles in the other, trying to decide what to do. It was time to give her a bath, but I didn't want to put a fresh diaper on or stick the poopy one back on for the trip to the bathroom 20 feet away, so I just wiped her off and sat her on the changing pad. "Stay, Carina" I instructed, as I ran to the bathroom as fast as humanly possible to take care of the mess and start the bath water. I should add that I didn't actually think she would stay there, but I figured it was worth a shot.
Not 10 seconds later I heard the "slap slap slap" of her palms coming down the hall towards me. She turned the corner into the bathroom with the legs of her footie PJs hanging behind her like coattails. She stood up next to the tub and got all excited about getting in; she loves baths. As the tub filled up I ran the unfortunate diaper back to the nursery to put it in the wet bag, and then made haste for the bathtub. Unfortunately, my bare feet were soon greeted by a rather large puddle of pee in the hall right in front of the bathroom. And there was a trail of it all the way to the tub. Nice, Carina.
20 seconds sans diaper and there's a lake of pee on our hardwood floor. I can't make this stuff up. What was I thinking?
I dare you to try to change it, Mom! |
Okay, let's hear it...what has your baby peed on?

17 words of geekdom:
Andrew has peed on the wall several times. Also, when I was changing him on the floor at my parents house my mom was standing next to him and he peed all over her foot. He's been pretty good lately, but we do get a surprise every once in a while when we take a diaper off and it shoots out like a fountain!
I've had that happen so many times to me. The worst was when Sydney pooped in the bath. I took her out to clean it up, and she walked into the living room and pooped on the carpet. Kids!!!
Oh yeah that happens frquently here too :-)
2 days ago Annabelle peed on her new PBK anywhere chair! Ugh... we've only had it about 10 days & I'm already having to wash it!!
Oh same story here! Its a battle.. I did find that changing her standing up helps some, that is what they do at Lennox's new school too - I had never really done it, since it just seemed like more work, but she seems to be happier when I do that. It's either that or I just deal w/ the thrashing around and keep telling her to stop -- even though she doesnt! I can't wait to be done with diapers!!
I have an 11 month old son, and believe it or not, I've never been peed on. The hubs has once, though. Cash also screams like a loon and thrashes all around whenever we try to change him. It's more than getting old at this point!
Um yeah read my post!
And mine is only 9 months and he's the small one!! I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!! I don't think either of us could possibly be that creative! At least yours was just pee on the floor! I however also needed the shower.
I absolutely cannot change Drew's diaper on the floor. He knows he can just crawl away. I have to change him on his changing pad where he knows to just lay there! Maybe you could have the liner on the CD before changing time? Just trying to think of ways to help!
Haha! Yeah, I know your pain.
Alexa usually pees on me between the time I take her diaper off and put her in the bath (roughly 10 seconds of naked baby time).
Oh goodness diaper changes are the worse now. Leland is notorious for peeing all over me when I let him roam free.
I consider diaper changes part of my daily work out. That kid is strong! I still use the table because I feel like I have more leverage over him than the floor. I also take the poop dipe and lay it on the floor until he is clean and dressed, then I put him down and take it to the sprayer. If he is without a diaper for more than 5 minutes, he pees. A lot.
Oh lady I do hope that baby #2 is a boy! You should see how far pee flies! DS has hit the closet doors, his toys, my face. It's awesome. He usually gets bum air time before his bath, and he always runs to my dogs bed and pees there. It's like he is marking his territory. :P
I am so sorry you've had this experience but at the same time, I'm happy to hear I'm not alone. My Baby Girl rolls and bucks like a croc in a death roll.
The other day Baby Girl did her rolling thing while pooping on the table. Awesome. I picked her up as carefully as I could, got her cleaned up in the bathroom. Then, as if she were waiting for it, the moment I got her out of the tub and dried off, she stood up and peed all over the floor. I would have been annoyed but she was laughing her head off at the pee, so you know...
Pull up/underwear changes with my oldest is horrible. Even getting him dressed is a battle...all the time. It gets exhausting. He finally can halfway dress himself but most of the time he doesn't want to. Typically he tries to run away and runs away laughing "Naked butt!". I think poop in the bathtub is the worst!'s happen way more than I care to count. Oh and he pooped in the shower when he was taking a shower with my husband. I tried to hard not to laugh but it was damn funny!
Colson likes to squirm as well but luckily I can still roll him back over and preoccupy him with something while I finish. Sorry about the little lake that Carina left you. If Colson had done that in our house, it would have been on at least yours was on hardwood.
Haha! Kids are Kidz... it’s pretty irritating in the beginning but by the time you will see all sounds pretty much ok especially when you are done of this stage for like 3 times...
I just tried using the changing table again instead of the floor and it is already going much better! Yay!
Aidan's only pee mishap was when he was very tiny and new. He peed into his own mouth and Tom freaked out and thought we needed to take him to the ER.
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