Mike still affectionately refers to Carina's diapers as "poop sacks". I'm guessing there's no shaking that at this point. After a year of disposables, we have now been using cloth diapers for almost 7 months.
But, after a bit of trial and error we've fallen into a sort-of hybrid routine. We use cloth during the day, but put Carina in a disposable (Luvs) at night due to her leaking through every cloth diaper we've tried (even with double inserts). While traveling, or if we're going to be out of the house for the bulk of the day, we stick with disposables, too. It's just easier for us that way.
Our stash includes mostly BumGenius, and then a few each of FuzziBunz, Thirsties pockets and AIOs, Smartipants, Sposoeasy, Rumparooz, Kawaii, and our newest addition - Real Nappies. More to come on Real Nappies later this week! (I've done a formal review for the brands/types with links, above, if you'd like more info)
Most of our stash - the rest is in the diaper pail ;) |
Cloth wipes |
If you find all talk of diapers boring or otherwise "meh", feel free to check out my Classification of Poop Severity Levels and Poopocalypse 2011. I should probably give you a disclaimer but eh, I think the titles say enough.

My co-host for Toddle Along Tuesday this week is Natalie from Growing Up an NJ Wife and the topic is diapering! If you cloth diaper, show off your stash! If not, share what you use,
your routine, or any funny diaper stories. Feel free to be creative. There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.
Next week's topic is occupations! What do you do, or what did you do in your former life? Or what is your dream job?
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!
Next week's topic is occupations! What do you do, or what did you do in your former life? Or what is your dream job?
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!