And we're back! I survived BlogHer and didn't go into labor on vacation - woohoo! I'll have lots on both the conference and the beach over the next week or so, but for now? I'd like to start things off with a realization.
As I sit here scrambling to finish this post just ten minutes prior to its scheduled publishing as well as do three loads of laundry, attempt to get the sleep-striking baby to nod off, clean up from dinner, and somehow manage to stay sane doing it all, it has become pretty clear to me that I don't currently have much balance in my life. At the end of each day I frantically attempt to get everything done and end up exhausted, finally falling into bed much, much later than I promised myself I would. We still haven't gotten into a good routine that allows for all of the cooking/cleaning/housework to get done and for both Mike and I to have enough time on our own, or even together, sans baby.
I think it's safe to say that our lives have been like this - just a bit chaotic - since Carina was born first with my work schedule changing multiple times, then the move to Connecticut, and now my lack of energy as I near freakishly huge pregnancy proportions.
What's that - time away from me? Why would you EVER want that?!? |
So, to inject a little bit of balance into our lives I am going to attempt the following:
- Begin meal planning again, and include 1 meal per week that is easily freezable (like my easy stuffed shells). Make a double batch of the freezer-friendly meal for a quick and easy meal after the baby comes.
- Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it. If anyone has an examples of one they use, I'd love to see!
- Stop posting on the weekends. I have a lengthy list of posts I want to write and it has been my goal for quite some time now to get through it. This usually means I end up posting every day. Well? I don't need to conquer the list. I have to learn to just keep my mouth shut ;)
- Start grocery shopping or running errands - by myself - on the weekends, and encourage Mike to get out for a little while each week as well.
- Find a babysitter we trust. We have to stop dragging our feet on this - Momma & Daddy need a night out once in a while!

My co-host for Toddle Along Tuesday this week is Jen from Leilaland and the topic is finding balance! How do you maintain a sense of balance in your life? Any tips to share? Or if you're balance-challenged like me, let's hear about it! There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog. Please don't link up your shop or business - I have pretty inexpensive advertising options should you be interested in exposure.
Next week's topic is your favorite baby item! With my due date only 6 weeks away (ummm...eek?!) I am eager to hear what item you loved most when your little one was a newbie. Momma needs to make a shopping list ;)
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!
Next week's topic is your favorite baby item! With my due date only 6 weeks away (ummm...eek?!) I am eager to hear what item you loved most when your little one was a newbie. Momma needs to make a shopping list ;)
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!