The last month has been all about experimentation. What kinds of toys/playthings does Carina enjoy? What soothes her? What is helpful? Here's my list. In no particular order:
Wubbanub Infant Pacifier - Kitten
Whoever invented the Wubbanub is a genius. It is a Soothie pacifier attached to a little stuffed animal. They make all different kinds of animals...giraffes, dinosaurs, dogs, etc. We have two little kitty ones. Carina holds onto the kitty to keep the pacifier in her mouth. And if it falls out, she can sometimes get it back in by moving the kitty around. I imagine it will only get better as her motor skills improve. I really like that I don't have to get up to put it back in her mouth nearly as much. Another bonus, is that the Wubbanub is much easier to keep track of than a lone pacifier. Trying to find this in the diaper bag is so easy!
Fisher-Price Rainforest Soother

We have this in Carina's crib. She will watch the lights and moving animals and listen to the music every morning for about 15 minutes. It has become part of our routine. I will get changed and brush my teeth while she flails her arms, kicks her legs, and coos. She loves this, and I love watching her enjoy it.
Boppy Nursing Pillow
We don't use the Boppy for nursing, I much prefer the
My Brest Friend Pillow
for that, but we do love the Boppy. She lounges in it and I play with her, read to her, or she just looks around the room curiously. She doesn't like sleeping flat on her back, so we put it in the Pack n Play for daytime naps. She falls asleep in it within 5-10 minutes most of the time.
Cloud b Sleep Sheep On The Go

This white noise machine helps Carina fall asleep at nighttime and during the day. It plays four sounds: Rain, Stream, Ocean, and Whales. Ocean is her favorite. It has two time settings, 23 and 45 minutes. The difference between the "On the Go" sheep and the traditional sleep sheep is that the "On the Go" one is a bit smaller, and it has velcro so you can attach it to anything. We alternate it between her nursery and the Pack n Play (where she naps during the day). My only wish is that it had a constantly on setting.
Fisher-Price Rainforest Gym

Carina has discovered that if she kicks one of the little dangly toys, it will make a rattle sound. She LOVES it. Everytime she kicks it she smiles and gets excited. We have been using the mat for tummy time for quite a few weeks, but she is just now starting to enjoy the toys, music, lights, and mirror. I can only imagine that she will interact with this gym more and more as she grows and develops.
Gerber 12-Pack Prefold Birdseye Cloth Diapers

Everyone told me to get a few packs of these, because they are the best burp cloths. I didn't listen. I registered for and bought pretty burp cloths. Bad idea. The pretty ones look nice, but they aren't absorbent at all. These are so absorbent sometimes I can't even tell that she just spit up all over them! In comparison to the fancy burp cloths, these are super cheap, too.
Nosefrida The Snotsucker Nasal Aspirator

Yes, the Nosefrida is gross. You stick the tube up against baby's nostril and then you suck on the red part. Disgusting, sure, but you wouldn't believe the size of the boogers I suck out of Carina's nostrils. The little blue bulb given to us by the hospital can't even come close. The sweet relief she must feel when those giant boogers are gone is enough motivation for me to continue to suck them out, as nauseating as it is. She breathes so much better after I use this semi-scary snot-sucking contraption.
Fisher Price Precious Planet Swing

I already wrote about my love for this swing
here, so I will just briefly recap. For the last month, at night, Carina has only slept in this swing. We are hoping it is just a phase, as we don't want her sleeping here forever, but Mommy and Daddy need sleep, and this swing lets us sleep.
Simple Wishes Hands-Free Breastpump Bra

This bra milks you; it's almost comical. I can express so much more milk than I ever imagined using it. I already
posted some more info on it. It is so absolutely worth the money for anyone who is planning on pumping.
Fisher-Price Precious Planet Bouncer
Another baby item I already expressed my love for,
here. Carina could sit in this bouncer all day. Don't worry, I don't let her :) She kicks her feet, flails her arms, and coos while the music plays and the animals move. If you can handle the cuteness, take a look at her adorable
6 words of geekdom:
I kid you not, I was just wondering last night when you might post another one of your, or I guess I should say Carina's, favorite things. I am going to come back to these posts when I am registering. :)
I just posted one of these on my blog too. I do a fab five though. It is so nice to hear other Mom's ideas of things out there. My son is 6 months old though. I do love hearing about your things though.
About the sleep sheep...23 minutes? How random!!!!
@Amber - LOL. Let me know if you have any other registry questions!
@Oesch - I'll have to check it out!
@Shannon - I know, right? I need to find something that plays continuously. She has started waking up when the Sleep Sheep shuts off :(
I just pumped for the first time yesterday and today I ordered the bra! Thanks for the tip. ;-)
I love the idea of this! I think I'm going to start doing this on my blog. Don't worry I'll give you credit! :)
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