Saturday, July 9, 2011

Attack of the Daddy Monster!

Dear Bumpettes, Bloggy Mamas, and all of you other great Moms (with a capital M) who I collectively refer to as “the Ladies.”  M here, and Mama G has been asking me to write a post for her awesome rockin’ blog for some time now (I so suck for not doing this yet).  After we talked a bit today, she I thought it might be nice to write about what it’s like to be the Daddy of a little girl. I think this is a neat idea, because I can’t tell you how many folks out there assume that just because I am a dude, I wanted a little son to be my mini-me.  I grew up in a home with a younger brother and younger sister.  My little sister loved to be one of the guys, but whether I liked it or not, I was going to end up memorizing the lyrics to all of  ‘Nsync’s and the Backstreet Boys’ hits (I can rock out like a teen heartthrob wannabe in the shower). 

So what does this have to do with raising a little girl and the fact that so many folks assume that us guys want more little guys?  The truth is, and I owe my sis a lot for this, going into Mama G’s pregnancy I didn’t really, and do not (for any of our future little ones) have a preference – I’ll love them tons as we get them, even if they’ve got three legs and a hunchback. 

That being said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that we have a cute little girl.  So here goes – a list of ten things that make me love you, Peanut.

1) All during Mama G’s pregnancy, we talked about how we’d know we were parents and what we looked forward to the most.  I wanted a little one to curl up on my chest, snuggle up, and fall asleep.  After you had bonding time with Mama G right after your birth, you curled up on my chest, grabbed a handful of chest hair, and fell asleep.  I cried with joy and tear up thinking about it.

2) The way you can look right to my core with those big brown eyes I gave you.

3) Your hysterical laughter whenever I a) get up close and goofy with you in your jumparoo b) blow a raspberry on your tummy c) gobble a ‘tasty baby’ as the hungry Daddymonster.

4) The way you exercise that little voice all the time, especially when you and your Mama G are cuddled up together on the couch.  I love listening to a mother-daughter talk – listen up and take in as much as you can from your Mama – she’s the most beautiful person, inside and out, that you will ever know.

5) How when I dressed up in my Phillies shirt and put you in a matching onesie, our Phils beat Mommy’s Red Sox 5-0.  I didn’t do it for the next game and the Phils lost – you are good juju.  Please forgive the sports outfits and embarrassing pictures that I will show your boyfriends when you are a teenager.

6) The huge smile I get when I come home from work – it almost makes me cry every day (your Daddy is a sap).

7) How you just seem to love EVERYONE.  So many little ones cry or fuss with new people, but you only do that if they DON’T pick you up.  Don’t ever lose that love of people around you, you’ll make the world a better place.

8) How you explore people’s faces with those chubby little hands, and no one seems to know care how gross they are.

9) Your happy dance when you see me or Mama G early right when you wake up in the morning – everyone should happy dance when they see someone they love.

10) I love how much I am going to get to see and learn and love now that you are in our lives – you and your Mommy make the future bright without me knowing anything other than that the two of you will be in it.

Aside from a protective Dad - You have no idea, but I am going to spoil you rotten and any guys you ever date had better do so too.  IF you ‘decide’ to date, your guys better keep in mind that your Daddy is a mad scientist with access to enough chemicals to get himself on a government watch list and your godfather, Uncle C, is training to be in the U.S. Army special forces. 
Well Ladies, that’s all from me.  I’m a goofy sap who has two beautiful women that keep him going every day and I’ll never stop being amazed at how lucky I am for it.  I hope all of you have a wonderful week and keep up the great work as Moms – I know from what I have seen that it’s a Hero’s calling.

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23 words of geekdom:

Heather said...

*LOVE* this post! So sweet :)

Carina is lucky to have such great parents!

Ps. Love the Winning shirt you have on, even though i'm a red sox fan all the way!!! GO SOX!

Nancy said...

I LOVE THIS POST!! I'm in tears just reading this. A man writing his feelings for the love of his daughter and I know Carina will love reading this when she gets older.

You and M are amazing parents. :)

Anonymous said...

What an adorable post.... My hubby is now a sap for having a little girl... Everyone says that she has him in her pocket! So true! Thanks for sharing! :)

Karpatchi said...

Awww yes. So very sweet!! You can just hear the love oozing out of daddy :)

And as mentioned on the fb post that is the most awesome Phillies shirt EVER!!!!! GO PHILS!!

The How To Mommy said...

Way sweet!!! I might have to convince my DH to make a guest post. :)

B.J. said...

I feel a bit teary! Mama G definitely has a winner! :D

Kristin {Sea Cow Circus} said...

LOVE! What a wonderful daddy and husband.

Meghan C said...

So adorable! I love seeing proud papas loving on their little ones.

Emma said...

That's lovely, I can't wait for my little one's Daddy to wake up so I can show him - he says things like this all the time, now I mist get him to write them down so she can read them when she's older.

Katie said...

What a great idea! Thanks for posting, Mr. Geeky!

Sarah said...

I have tears in my eyes-so sweet!!!

Sweet Jo said...

I <3 M! And the Phillies gear. ;)

Taylor said...

I LOVE this post! I was tearing up a couple of times. And now I'm thinking I need to have Goosey's daddy write a post like this on my blog. :-)

Lacey [The Southern Mommy Chronicles] said...

I love this post, every single bit of it! I'm going to blame the pregnancy hormones for the tearing up!

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

Thank you so much for your comments, ladies. M feels awfully special and is honored that you all liked his post :)

Anonymous said...

Just like every other living being in the blogosphere, I love this post! It was wonderfully written and heartfelt! Definitely a great idea, Mama G, having M make write a little something for GUG. Maybe this should be a routine thing. The three of you are so blessed to have one another. I love following along with your geeky little family!

Thanks for sharing M!

NKubon said...

Just so you know, I cried reading this posting! How sweet! I wish my DH would would write on my blog like this, AMAZING!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, it's wonderful to hear feedback like this :) Thanks, all of you.


Raising Warriors said...

Love, Love, LOVE this post!! Even if it did make me cry. ^w~

simona said...

Truly lovely... fathers and daughters can have an incredible connection. I'm happy for the two of you already bonding the way you do!

Nikki Kirby (blindvictory) said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who teared up at this, although I think it would have been totally justified even if no one else had. What an awesome dad! Way to go, Chupie. You really picked a great one.

SSG said...

Aw, very cute!!! What a good daddy!

basebell6 said...

love love love love love!! especially the part about him being a mad scientist and being on a special government list! i think my hubby should be on that list! :)

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