We so often take picture after picture when we are on vacation, when our children reach a special milestone, or if we see something particularly beautiful. But we don't whip our cameras out to document the every day happenings: as a trip to the grocery store, a walk in the stroller, or just "hanging out". Until now.
Here's a typical day in my life.

6:30 - Carina is awake and snuggles with a sleepy Daddy while I go to the bathroom.
7:30 - She hangs out in our bed surrounded by pillows on all sides (so she doesn't roll off of said bed) while I get dressed.
8:30 - I enjoy some coffee and an english muffin for breakfast while she naps.

11:30 - All these groceries need to be put away, blah. Yes, those are potatoes in the storage section of the stroller.

1:30 - Getting ready to go to a playdate with our new playgroup!

3:30 - Carina got sleepy and I took her out of the stroller and put her in the carrier. This is looking straight down at her.

5:30 - Our $5 Halloween costume arrived! Carina models it. I think she makes a darn cute Meerkat.
6:30 - In our sleepy sack and it's time for bed. Carina wants to suck on the Octopus bath thermometer. Silly girl.

8:30 - Since my supply has been decreasing lately, I am pumping again in hopes of stepping it up!
9:30 - He is finally home from lab meeting! We enjoy some side-by-side computer time. In other words, I write this post.

10:30 - Dishes and other chores, then off to bed!
Well there you have it, folks. An ordinary day in the life of Mama G. Please leave a comment with your link if you participated in the challenge!