Things just got real. If this baby is a little early like Carina was, I might only have 6 weeks and change before she is here. Umm...yikes?

Weight gain/loss: Still 136 lbs. for a total gain of 18 lbs. I was up 25 lbs. this time last pregnancy.
Feeling: Winded. I am huffing and puffing when I drag the laundry up from the basement. Even bringing a couple bags of groceries inside has me tired. I should have exercised throughout this pregnancy. Oops.
Maternity clothes? I am obsessed with my new maternity wardrobe! I think I have narrowed down my outfit choice for my maternity photos next week to either #1 or #3. Please weigh in if you haven't yet! :)
Sleep: Every morning I wake up and curse myself for not getting to sleep sooner. I am dragging most days.
Food cravings: Despite making them last week, I am still craving Mozzarella Sticks.
Movement? I swear, most of the time I just look down at my stomach and laugh. She has gotten herself (and her limbs) into such hilarious positions - I kind of look like a circus freak.
What I miss? Not having constant pain in my abdomen. I am so afraid my abdominal muscles are about to separate any day now :(
Best moment this week: My Mother-in-law visited for a couple days and it was so nice to get a small break from cooking and cleaning.
What I'm looking forward to: BlogHer on Thursday, and then a week at the beach with Mike's family! I've been so caught up with preparing for the conference I think I completely forgot to mention that I'll be in Virginia Beach for a whole week! CAN'T WAIT to be a beached whale.
Next Appointment: On Wednesday, August 1st at 32.5 weeks. Can't believe I'm nearing the home stretch.
Milestones: By the end of this week, baby will be about 4 lbs.
Just looking at my sweater from my 32 week photo last time is making me sweat. It' right now.
Next week I'll pop in after my trek from BlogHer to Virginia Beach with Mike's family for my 33 week bumpdate, but then I'm pretty much off for the week! I hope you enjoy the great guest posters I've got lined up for you. I'll start a new bump/baby link up then, but for now please feel free to check out the last one!