That super dark line is the test line - whoa! |
M and I were watching a movie one night about a week and a half ago, during which I nagged him, "can you make me Mac & Cheese?" "please make me Mac & Cheese?" "I could really go for some Mac & Cheese" {no joke} 6 times over the course of a half hour. Then, I felt all woozy from half a glass of wine. He looked at me and asked, "are you pregnant?!" At that point I was 10 dpo (days post-ovulation) which is pretty early, and I hadn't planned on testing for another couple of days, but figured what the hell.
We stood in the bathroom watching the test develop and at first there was no 2nd line. We're waiting, watching, "nope, nothing there...still nothing...nope...oh you see something? Yep that's definitely a line; holy crap I'm pregnant."
We were so lucky this time around. It took us 8 cycles to conceive Carina. Baby #2? My first postpartum cycle. We're still in shock, to be honest. This baby will arrive sometime around September 25th, and we couldn't be more excited! I've been feeling pretty awful so far, so I apologize in advance if my posting slows down a bit. Momma needs some ice cream, and a nap... ;)
My crazy bloat |
P.S. If you are friends with me on Facebook or know me in person, please keep this to yourself for a bit longer if you don't mind. Not all of our friends know yet, and I won't be making a big announcement until the end of 1st Tri, probably. Thanks! :)

65 words of geekdom:
Yay! Congratulations again!!
Yay, it's blog official! Sorry if my tweeting outed you at all. ;) Your bloat is gorgeous, dahling!
I've been wondering when you were going to announce it on here after I saw your bump ticker. Congratulations again!!
WOOHOO! So exciting! Congratulations!
Aw yay!!! congrats!! That's so exciting :) I'm 26weeks with my first and the excitement at the beginning was great...until I got sick! I had an awful first trimester. I hope you don't experience the same and feel better soon :)
Woo Hoo Congratulations!!
Yay!! Congrats again mama:)
Woo hoo! Congratulations! Happy and Healthy 40 weeks to you!
Congrats again!!! You look so cute :-) Carina is going to be a great big sister!!
Once again, congrats!! So happy for your growing family!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!
Aww! Mine are 14 months apart. Very exciting. Congrats!!
Yay!! Congrats!!
Congrats again! I am looking forward to following you through this pregnancy! :-)
Congratulations :)
I was wondering when you were going to announce. :) So excited for you, Mama! We're due two days apart!
Congrats!! :)
Congrats Momma!! That is so exciting!
Congrats! How exciting!!
Congrats!!!! That is so exciting!!! :-)
Wahoo! I'm so excited for you guys! I'm going to be an early bird and guess boy for you already. It seems to be the trend lately of people who are 2u2 having the opposite of their first.! Congrats momma! So excited for you!
yippee!!! so exciting!!!! congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! How exciting!
Kayleigh's birthday is September 26th, and mine is the 27th. Baby G will be in good company :)
♥ Bethany
Yay! Congrats! That is an impressive pregnancy attempt!
Congrats again, love!! SO excited for you!
Awww, congrats! I love fellow preggos. :)
Oh my goodness, congrats to all of you!
Congratulations again!!! So excited to for you!!
Congratulations!!! And what a blessing that this little bean came so much quicker! :)
Wow! 2 under 2!! You are braver than I my friend!! Congrats!
Thanks so much, everyone! We are just so excited :)
Ahhhhh you little hooker you! Announcing it already. I love it!
Congrats again!
Wow, Congraulations that is awesome!
We are just thrilled for you guys! Congrats again!
Congrats! I am thrilled it happened on your first try! That is some crazy bloat! I am due Sept 12, so I am anxious to read your blog, knowing that you'll go through a lot of the same things at the same time as me.
Congrats guys!!!!! That is awesome. I am so happy for you!!!
I am so excited for you guys!! :]
Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you!
Congratulations!! :D :D :D
Congrats!! Wow, you HAVE been busy lately!!
OMG! Too exciting!
Congrats! I'm so excited for you. :-)
Congrats!!! I'm super excited for you!
Congratulations, what wonderful news! In case you have any freak out moments, don't worry. I've found adjusting to the second one to be so much easier than I thought it would be! :)
Aww YAY congrats!!! =]
I totally felt like this announcement was going to be coming soon! Yay! How exciting - congrats!!
Ahhh! Congratulations!!!
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!! So excited for you!!!
OMG! Congrats!! So excited for you guys :)
Congratulations!!!! Im so happy for you!! :)
Congratulations again! 2U2 really is fun...EXHAUSTING but fun nonetheless :)
You are so very brave for doing the 2u2. I am excited for you!
Congrats love! My how time flies! I remember when you were still trying with Carina on the TTC boards during our days. Are you back on the baby month boards? I don't frequent often, as I barely know anyone anymore...but I do have a facebook group with my month board mamas still. many x's and o's!
aww I had a feeling :) Congrats, mama! So happy for you!
Congrats!! You are going to have to get you another little giraffe in your title! :P
Love the bloat!
I've been waiting to hear this and now I'm super late in my congratulations! Well I'll just make up for it in how big my congratulations is! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
I was hoping it wouldn't take as long this time and yay I'm so happy for you!
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